Dine with the Locals

Wine and dine with the locals in Venice. Experience it like the royalty did centuries ago in this elegant 15th century private palace in the historic city. If you wish to get away from the typical touristic restaurants, this is your chance. You will be welcomed into a private Venetian house, where the owner, an incredible cook, ex-interior designer and antique collector, wanted to preserve the Venetian heritage and prepare exquisite Venetian meals just for you. Your meal gets prepared according to authentic traditions developed by the city’s historic contacts with Arabs, Jews, Byzantines, Armenians, and Greeks. This led to a cuisine that is simple, but enhanced by ingredients often exclusive to the Venetian Lagoon. Experience a full Venetian 5-course dinner, including a taste of the local wine with us.

The Venetian cuisine is notably different from the other Northern Italian cuisines. Our tour gives an opportunity to discover the traditional gastronomic specialities of the Venetian cuisine. As Venice is located on the water, there is a large offer of dishes concerning fish; seasoned with olive oil, garlic, vinegar and a variety of herbs. The Venetian cuisine can be divided into three sections, based on location (i.e. coastal areas, the mountains and the plains). Each of those sections have their own specialities and dishes. Each one (especially the plains) can have many local cuisines, each city with its own dishes. Polenta can be seen as the most common dish of the Veneto region - a dish consisting of boiled cornmeal, which can be served as a hot porridge, but can also be made into a loaf which can be baked, grilled or fried.

The most common dishes along the coast of the Venice Lagoon are mainly seafood dishes. In the mountains, most dishes are made of pork or quarry meat, whilst dishes in the plains are popular to be served with grilled meat, potatoes or vegetables. Overall, it is typical to season the dishes with salsa verde, mostarda, vinegar, butter and olive oil. All in all, Venice knows of a variety of traditional, local food which you can experience first-hand with this tour.

Are you ready to expand your palate?

For information, reservations or special requests on routes dedicated to the city of Venice by Viaggi di Architettura.

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