Insider Venice

Elegant, precious, entertaining and romantic, in other words: Venice. Our Insider Venice tour allows you to get a so-called insider scoop of this beautiful city.

The jewel of Venice - and Italian tourist scene, where churches, palaces, ancient bridges, monuments and squares tell the artistic and cultural vivacity that marked- and still mark the history of the city. Venice is a city located in the North-East of Italy, as well as it is the capital of the Veneto-region. Venice consists of 117 small islands, which are separated by several canals and linked by bridges, located in the Venetian Lagoon. Numerous parts of Venice are known for their architecture, their artwork and their overall beauty. In fact, both the lagoon as well as a part of the city are listed by UNESCO as World Heritage Site.

Architecture & Sights

Venice has been featured in a wide range of films, games, works of fine art, literature, television shows, music videos and a number of other cultural references. The city knows of a rich and diverse style when it comes to architecture. The most prominent style is the Gothic style, combined with Byzantine as well as Ottoman influences. Besides the aforementioned, the city also knows of Renaissance- and Baroque style buildings (e.g. Ca' Pesaro and Ca' Rezzonico.)

The heart of Venice is the wonderful Piazza San Marco, surrounded by works of indisputable value: Campanile and the Basilica; the Palazzo Ducale; Torre dei Mori (Clock tower); and the Napoleonic Wing which houses the Museo Correr. Other highlights of the city we can visit include:

  • Arsenale - Venice's legendary landmark
  • Grand Canal - the major water-traffic corridor of Venice
  • Ponte dei Sospiri - "bridge of sighs", passing over the Rio di Palazzo and connecting the New Prison with the interrogation rooms of the Doge's Palace
  • Basilica di San Marco - located on the Piazza San Marco
  • Ponte di Rialto - the oldest bridge across the Grand Canal, which used to be the dividing line for the San Marco and San Polo districts
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria della Salute - the Roman Catholic church located at Punta della Dogana

The city's appeal and its authentic beauty is not only in its sights, it's in its canals, its bridges, its numerous piazzas, its alleys and of course, its architecture. You can spend hours strolling around, taking pictures, whilst admiring the beauty of Venice. Whether you would like to visit the tourist highlights or prefer to discover new aspects of the city, we can arrange it all for you. Our tour is completely tailor-made up to your preferences.

 For information, reservations or special requests on routes dedicated to the city of Venice by Viaggi di Architettura.

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