Tante le occasioni per una visita nella capitale danese che in dicembre, com’è nella tradizione nordica, si anima per i mercatini natalizi…
l Sud inizia da Matera – Eventi locali, tour enogastronomici e architettonici a Matera, e nei siti Unesco vicini…
In un’epoca di forte specializzazione, non potevano mancare tour operator dedicati all’architettura…
Non sono nuova al business dei viaggi on-line. Lavoro in questo settore da quasi 15 anni e per lo più facendo cose che mi divertono. Ho viaggiato nei luoghi più all’avanguardia, incontrato trend setter ed innovatori, mangiato nei migliori ristoranti e soggiornato nei più fantastici boutique hotel del mondo.
Put together design, architecture, the travel industry, journalism, writing, education, a bit of (glutenfree) cooking, a lot of colours, creativity, an insane endless research of beauty and new amazing projects to develop, and you find me. I work in the tourism industry, creating and developing itineraries and experiences for archi- and design-lovers. When I am not taking clients to discover Milan, teaching or writing for the Condè Nast group you will find me in the kitchen organising social dinners at my place, transforming my apartment in a home restaurant for guests. I love all I do.
I studied to be an architect. I should be an architect really. But there are are so many aspects around the profession that fascinate me without actually building… from architecture literature, films, graphics and obviously architecture travel. Love, work, life frequently take me around Europe and the world in search of novelties, trends and exciting people in the field.
The project is so captivating that you cannot help but be totally enthralled, so I decided to put become part of the team, putting my experience as a Social & Digital Media strategist together with that of other guys from all over the world.